Our Faculty of Humanities offers a unique, research-led student experience across a broad range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes. Our Faculty's outstanding reputation for research was confirmed by the last UK-wide Research Assessment Exercise (RAE, December 2008), with Essex ranked in the top ten for History, Philosophy and Art History.

This site is meant for those students who joined the MSc in GPH in January 2024.

If you have started your MSc in GPH in September - please go to the moodle site at https://moodle.essex.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=270

The aim of this module is to introduce students who have no previous experience of quantitative methods to basic and intermediate statistical concepts and procedures. The emphasis is on practical applications, not mathematics although a small amount of elementary mathematics is inevitably required. The module covers the following themes:
* Principles of data analysis, description and inference, and preparation of data for statistical testing
* Conducting uni- and bivariate analysis, tests of association and tests of difference, multivariate analysis and regression modelling
* Interpreting statistical output

Module objectives:
By the end of the module you should be able to:
* Understand the logic of statistical description and inference.
* Know how to interpret basic statistics.
* Conduct elementary and intermediate quantitative data analysis using a statistical software package.