Module Description

The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the C++ programming language. The contents covered by this module
include three parts: (1) basic concepts and features of C++ programming (e.g., operator overloading),
(2) C++ Standard Template Library, and (3) inheritance, function overriding and exceptions.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be expected to be able to:
1. Explain the basic concepts and features of C++.
2. Describe the underlying memory model and explain the role of the execution stack and the heap.
3. Write object oriented programs that incorporate basic C++ features such as pointer, reference, inheritance, function overriding, operator overloading, exceptions, etc.
4. Make effective use of the C++ Standard Template Library.

Outline Syllabus
  • paradigms: procedural + object-oriented vs purely object-oriented
  • pointers and references
  • C++ functions: call by value and call by reference
  • class definition
  • memory management
  • the C++ Standard Template Library

A model of memory
  • static and dynamic memory
  • the execution stack: existence of local variables, parameter passing
  • the heap: dynamic memory allocation
  • memory management in C++

C++ language features
  • pointers: declaring and using pointer variables, the operator *
  • references: declaring and using reference variables, the operator &
  • functions: call by value and call by reference, function overloading
  • arrays: array identifiers, static and dynamic arrays, arrays as parameters, arrays as results
Classes and objects in C++
  • class definition: private and public members
  • inheritance
  • function overriding (polymorphism)
  • operator overloading
  • constructors, destructors, copy constructors and the assignment operator
The Standard Template Library