Throughout the year students will be pursuing a project based on a subject of their choice. There will be an introductory seminar to help with choosing the project, followed by a proposal presentation to the group/tutors and two to three supervision meetings with a named member of staff to monitor progress and offer support.

Students will draw on the theory and the practical experiences from the three years of the course and apply these to a subject of their choice, exploring the conscious and unconscious dynamics involved.

The module will enable you
* To demonstrate intellectual independence and originality by choosing your own subject of study and defining its nature and scope
* To experience the process of producing knowledge and conducting independent enquiry in a specific area of interest to them
* To consolidate your written communication and intellectual skills by presenting the results of your research in a clearly written, cogently argued, logically structured and properly referenced
* To pull together the learning and experiences from the course and apply them to a topic of the student's choice
* To develop greater confidence in the flexible application of psychodynamic understanding

Learning Outcomes
* Deeper awareness of the theoretical application and relevance of psychodynamic enquiry into areas of interest
* Better capacity to apply learning flexibly
* Knowledge of basic research skills such as literature searches and construction of longer and deeper argument
* Greater capacity for independent learning