A substantial component of this Foundation Degree is based on your own practice in your workplace. You will continue with your normal work responsibilities and with individual casework under supervision. Your supervisor will not only help you with your casework, but will review various aspects of your overall work experience, with various aspects of your degree scheme work in mind. These reviews will take the form, not only of general discussions, but also of a series of 'formative assessments' in which particular skills will be reviewed. Both you and your supervisor will have an opportunity to comment on your progress in these areas, until you are 'signed off'. They do not contribute to your assessment for the degree scheme, but you must be signed off on all of them before completing the programme.

Skills you can be expected to acquire
1. To communicate effectively with colleagues and with clients
2. To use e-mail, Moodle and electronic submission of assessed work
3. To evolve therapeutic strategies; to decide on specific topics for essays
4. To work effectively in an institutional setting, in which collaboration is the basic aim as well as therapeutic process
5. To work independently, especially through e-based learning and to learn through the practice, which is at the heart of the programme.