This is a first year module for students on the BA Community Theatre course. The course focuses on the investigation and exploration of "the self" to allow access to the body and to achieve progressively a developed physical awareness.

The course content introduces the student to the study and practice of clear guided movement principals. The mutually dependent and reflective relationship between mind, body and space forms the foundation for a process that develops the students' understanding of physical self and of the environment.

Students will learn how to identify and eliminate muscular tension, poor alignment and ineffective body patterns to develop a physically free and energised body. The concepts of inner and outer resistance, individual and ensemble space and "action and recover" are introduced – concepts that are fundamental to the actor's technique.

The practical study of the Laban method of movement theory and analysis will enable students to incorporate these techniques within the acting syllabus. Throughout the course students will continue the development of physical precision and the study and practice of the movement principals that will lay the foundations for a methodology of physical technique continued into second and final year.