This module is a practical introduction to analysing quantitative data. Using a combination of lecture and laptop/computer lab based formats, the module is intended to provide participants with an understanding of the principles of quantitative data analysis and their practical application. The primary focus is on the application of statistical techniques for analysing survey data, although the methods covered are applicable to many other forms of quantitative data. As well as enabling participants to conduct investigations relevant to their own research, it will also equip them to be a critical user of other research.

Topics covered include descriptive statistics, sampling, variance estimation and statistical inference, hypothesis testing, bivariate association, linear and logistic regression model. The module will be practically oriented, focusing on the application of techniques and the interpretation of results. The software used in this module will be STATA. Expertise in using this software will be built up over the module and prior knowledge is not assumed.

At the end of the module, participants should be able to: identify and apply appropriate statistical techniques for a variety of research questions; present and interpret statistical findings; critically evaluate research that uses statistical methods.

The module is assessed with two data analysis reports.