In this module students will study human physiological function and performance under extreme conditions. This will include altitude and acceleration physiology and the other major stresses that occur in flight; the physical and physiological challenges of spaceflight and survival in microgravity; hyperbaric and marine physiology, tolerance and adaptation to extremes of heat and cold; the effects of starvation, dehydration and air pollution on human survival and performance.

Learning Outcomes:
To pass this module students need to be able to:
1) explain the principles of physiological regulation and adaptation to environmental extremes;
2) understand the concepts of acclimatisation and acclimation as they apply to specific environmental conditions;
3) explain the effects of extreme environments on human physical and physiological performance and survival;
4) critically evaluate relationships between environmental exposure and performance and the methods used to prepare for performance in extreme environments;
5) demonstrate competence in retrieval, analysis, interpretation and presentation of published information.