Prof. Geoff Ward ( is the Employability Development Director (EDD) for the Department of Psychology and the EDD supports the strategic development of Department's employability provision.
In our undergraduate programme, we run a suite of separate Year 1 (PS117), Year 2 (PS417), and Final Year (PS492) Psychology employability modules that are co-designed and co-delivered by psychology academics and colleagues in the Employability and Careers Centre, E&CC. These modules are mandatory for undergraduate students, and the progressive syllabus starts by providing students with the opportunities to reflect upon their strengths and weaknesses so that they can decide upon their personal goals and career aspirations. They then help to identify the steps required and introduce opportunities and resources to achieve these goals.
These materials and resources associated with these modules are available for all psychology undergraduate and postgraduate students .
You will also have access and support from the Careers Team via the Student Services Hub found on Floor 1 of the Silberrad Centre, anytime 10am-4pm (Monday to Friday). In addition, the Careers Team organise a programme of Careers and Employability events that are highly relevant to Psychology graduates that will be advertised to you throughout the year.
- Module Supervisor: Nicolas Geeraert
- Module Supervisor: Geoffrey Ward