Background / Context
This module is delivered in the final year of the BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy degree alongside SE318 Research project and skills in sports science, SE315 Therapeutic modalities and SE321 Sports Therapy Placement. A case based approach to assessment and management of sports injuries will be used to explore the evidence behind both assessment and management strategies currently employed. This module will explore the evidence base for the management of sports injuries using a regional, case based approach. Students will have opportunities to further refine their clinical skills. They will build on their initial learning in relation to first aid and consider more advanced emergency and trauma management.
Module Aims
This module aims to further develop the students' abilities to justify interventions for sports injury management referring to published guidelines and evidence. Fundamental to this ability will be the development of critical thinking in the students and the ability to evaluate the reliability and validity of the evidence sources available.
Students will extend and consolidate their sports therapy clinical skills with reference to the available evidence base. They will also consider advanced emergency and trauma management in the context of the sporting environment.
Indicative Content
* Reliability and validity of clinical testing for sports injuries
* Evidence base for management of acute sports injuries in the first 48-72 hours
* Evidence behind the use of PRICE
* Evidence behind the use of soft tissue techniques
* Evidence behind the use of stretching
* Evidence behind the use of strengthening exercise
* Evidence for 'core stability' work
* 'Functional' assessment and treatment / management
* Pre-season predictive screening and pre-habilitation.
* Hydration, dietary and nutritional requirements for optimal performance including appropriate assessment.
* Tissue and injury specific evidence based management on a case by case basis
Detailed session content
Please refer to module timetable on Moodle.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
Justify and demonstrate critical understanding of appropriate assessments for a given sports specific injury with a thorough understanding of the best current literature
Plan, carry out and evaluate critically sports specific pre-screening assessment
Plan and deliver sports specific pre-habilitation strategies with critical evaluation of published material
Justify critically and outline an injury specific rehabilitation programme
Justify and demonstrate critical understanding of appropriate interventions for a given sports specific injury with a thorough understanding of the best current literature
- Module Supervisor: Daniel Coughlan