This module form part of the work-based learning pathway to registration as an mental health nurse.
This module develops the students abilities to use skills of communication, numeracy, literacy, information and communications technology, and research in the transition to independence in learning. These skills will underpin both academic study and clinical practice contexts
Society has expectations about those working in the health and social care environment. These are explicitly articulated as patients rights, the knowledge, skills and attitudes of staff and the standards of care. This module introduces and critically analyses the notion of professional accountability and responsibility, and the measures introduced by the NHS to protect public safety.
This module facilitates development of knowledge and skills pertinent to the care of people with acute physical health problems. The importance of accurate assessment and care planning is emphasised together with collaborative working and appropriate referral within a critical patient pathway.

This module is delivered concurrently within the BSc pathway (L). This module guide addresses only the MSc (L7) pathway.
Learning and communication skills are critical to personal and professional effectiveness. The first half of this module introduces the students to key skills and techniques needed to build personal impact, influence and effectiveness in dealing with others. It takes the participants from learning about themselves, their capacity to learn, the process they have successfully used in the past to their interest in, and knowledge of, the subject they wish to learn. This module further highlights the notion that in order to succeed the participants must take responsibility and make decisions about their own priorities, time, and resources.

The second half of the module explores the concept of active listening and factors that affect communication. The application of listening and effective communication skills are directed toward building trust and addressing the real concerns of patients.

The module also addresses IT, literature searches and written communication skills