Please note: Only use one search box at a time.

UK pages only

The most popular search engine on the Internet with over 22 special features, including interactive maps and rudimentary language translation. You can also use iGoogle to create a personalised version of the Google home page.

Exalead logo

Exalead displays thumb nail previews of pages next to search results and has a fantastic advanced search. You can also refine your search results using related terms, multimedia (audio, video and RSS), language and file type. The related terms feature is particularly useful, allowing you to discover new content "by accident". More information is available from the Exalead FAQ page.

A useful alternative to Google. Designed to answer queries phrased in everyday language. Formerly called Ask Jeeves in the United Kingdom.

Lycos logo

One of the oldest search engines on the Internet, but still very useful non-the-less.

Last modified: Friday, 13 July 2012, 2:18 PM