This module introduces the students to human resource management and is concerned with the way in which organisations manage and elicit the best from their people. The course helps students understand the fundamentals of HRM in terms of recruitment, performance appraisal, reward management and employee relations. It focuses on contemporary issues and concepts such as flexibility of new firms, career development, redundancy process, empowerment, employment ethics, managing diversity and new management techniques. It is also concerned with the growing interest in organisational learning, culture, the technology-people interface and the impact of globalisation in the changing context of work on HRM, the strategic nature of HRM practice, and its impact on organisational performance.

The main aim of the course is to enable students to acquire a clear understanding of the changing nature of work and the role of HRM in different organisational and environmental contexts. Students will explore the diversity of HRM systems and practices in different national contexts and gain a thorough understanding of how the strategic role of HRM is played out in the context of internationalisation processes of firms and globalisation pressures. Critical to the process of contemporary HR management is the ability to organise the technology-human interface in a climate of constant change. Learning how to manage this change process and fostering organisational learning, employee motivation, rewards and pay, and understanding the changing nature of participation and employee relations in the current knowledge economy, so that students are equipped to play leading management roles, will also form part of the study for this module.