Module Outline (updated 03 August 2018)
Heidegger is best known for his 1927 book, Being and Time, in which he attempts to ground philosophy in a phenomenological account of human existence. In the coming decades, however, Heidegger's thought would undergo what has been called 'the turn', consisting of a sweeping critique of the philosophical tradition and a radical re-orientation of the content, method, and style of his philosophy.
However, these late works are among the most exegetically challenging texts of the 20th century, and how we are to understand the specifics of this re-orientation remains controversial. Some commentators believe that Heidegger's critique of metaphysics is so forceful and pervasive that it amounts to a complete disavowal of the Being and Time project and a renunciation of the possibility of finding ultimate foundations or even rational explanations. In this module, we will explore Heidegger’s critique of Western rationality, and ask what, if any, is the positive role of philosophy in the later work. Specifically, we will inquire into the nature of Heidegger’s anti-foundationalism: What remains of the Being and Time project in the later works and what is abandoned? Does the late work surrender to quietism, or even mysticism? If not, what is the task of philosophy and the place of rationality more generally?
To answer these questions, we will investigate some of the overarching themes of the late work: the critique of metaphysics and especially of the principle of sufficient reason, the attempt to recover non-metaphysical ways of thinking by returning to pre-Socratic thinkers, and the role of history in the determination of our understanding of being.
The objectives of the module include:
* Developing the ability to provide cogent interpretations of Husserl's text;
* Engaging with advanced secondary literature on Husserl;
* Being able to relate Husserl's phenomenology to other major twentieth century schools of thought;
* Giving critical presentations on selected topics;
* Writing a well-researched paper on a problem arising from the study of the text.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, students should also have acquired a set of transferable skills, and in particular be able to:
* Define the task in which they are engaged and exclude what is irrelevant;
* Seek and organise the most relevant discussions and sources of information;
* Process a large volume of diverse and sometimes conflicting arguments;
* Compare and evaluate different arguments and assess the limitations of their own position or procedure;
* Write and present verbally a succinct and precise account of positions, arguments, and their presuppositions and implications;
* Be sensitive to the positions of others and communicate their own views in ways that are accessible to them;
* think 'laterally' and creatively - see interesting connections and possibilities and present these clearly rather than as vague hunches;
* maintain intellectual flexibility and revise their own position if shown wrong;
* think critically and constructively.
Heidegger is best known for his 1927 book, Being and Time, in which he attempts to ground philosophy in a phenomenological account of human existence. In the coming decades, however, Heidegger's thought would undergo what has been called 'the turn', consisting of a sweeping critique of the philosophical tradition and a radical re-orientation of the content, method, and style of his philosophy.
However, these late works are among the most exegetically challenging texts of the 20th century, and how we are to understand the specifics of this re-orientation remains controversial. Some commentators believe that Heidegger's critique of metaphysics is so forceful and pervasive that it amounts to a complete disavowal of the Being and Time project and a renunciation of the possibility of finding ultimate foundations or even rational explanations. In this module, we will explore Heidegger’s critique of Western rationality, and ask what, if any, is the positive role of philosophy in the later work. Specifically, we will inquire into the nature of Heidegger’s anti-foundationalism: What remains of the Being and Time project in the later works and what is abandoned? Does the late work surrender to quietism, or even mysticism? If not, what is the task of philosophy and the place of rationality more generally?
To answer these questions, we will investigate some of the overarching themes of the late work: the critique of metaphysics and especially of the principle of sufficient reason, the attempt to recover non-metaphysical ways of thinking by returning to pre-Socratic thinkers, and the role of history in the determination of our understanding of being.
The objectives of the module include:
* Developing the ability to provide cogent interpretations of Husserl's text;
* Engaging with advanced secondary literature on Husserl;
* Being able to relate Husserl's phenomenology to other major twentieth century schools of thought;
* Giving critical presentations on selected topics;
* Writing a well-researched paper on a problem arising from the study of the text.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, students should also have acquired a set of transferable skills, and in particular be able to:
* Define the task in which they are engaged and exclude what is irrelevant;
* Seek and organise the most relevant discussions and sources of information;
* Process a large volume of diverse and sometimes conflicting arguments;
* Compare and evaluate different arguments and assess the limitations of their own position or procedure;
* Write and present verbally a succinct and precise account of positions, arguments, and their presuppositions and implications;
* Be sensitive to the positions of others and communicate their own views in ways that are accessible to them;
* think 'laterally' and creatively - see interesting connections and possibilities and present these clearly rather than as vague hunches;
* maintain intellectual flexibility and revise their own position if shown wrong;
* think critically and constructively.