This course aims to teach about developmental neuropsychological disorders and exceptional talents in the domains of language, memory, perception, skills and techniques, executive functions and frontal lobes abilities. It will aim to address issues concerning the relationship between function and dysfunction in development, psychopathology and talent, neuropsychological disorder and positive neuropsychology. . It will utilise evidence that arises from studies using the differing methodologies of neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognition and explore what can be learnt from these approaches. It will teach about many different syndromes and the dysfunctions and talents within them, for example specific language impairments, childhood face recognition disorders, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, Turner's syndrome, hypermnestics, Asperger's syndrome, and bipolar disorder.
At the end of the module the strdents should be able to:
- Describe a broad range of developmental disorders and exceptional talents in different domains.
-Discuss interpretations of disorders and talents in relation to differing levels of explanation including models of cognitive processing and neuroscience foundations.
- Compare and contrast different forms of developmental disorders and exceptional talents.
- Have awareness of the difference between established knowledge, varieties of interpretation and issues that remain to be addressed.
At the end of the module the strdents should be able to:
- Describe a broad range of developmental disorders and exceptional talents in different domains.
-Discuss interpretations of disorders and talents in relation to differing levels of explanation including models of cognitive processing and neuroscience foundations.
- Compare and contrast different forms of developmental disorders and exceptional talents.
- Have awareness of the difference between established knowledge, varieties of interpretation and issues that remain to be addressed.